Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why is fitness so important?

The AAAI/ISMA certification courses were taught by Mike Rickett, a nationally recognized fitness professional. To see Mike's credentials go to www.mikerickett.com...

"FITNESS IS MUCH MORE THAN reaching a certain level of physical ability, looking good, or achieving an "ideal" weight. A fit person:

has the physical and emotional strength to meet life's challenges-and actually enjoy them.
takes charge of his or her own physical and mental health through a balanced exercise program and healthy eating habits.
understands the importance of managing stress, and works some relaxation time into every day.
takes a positive attitude toward life and his or her own physical and mental abilities.
values positive stress (i.e., stress that encourages someone to achieve) as a way to remain mentally fit.
In other words, general fitness is really a measurement of someone's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Physical fitness is one important aspect of overall fitness, and incorporates strength, aerobic conditioning, flexibility, body composition, and balance,."

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